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巴伊亚州州长Rui Costa在签约现场表示,“我们最初想选择轻轨,后来看到比亚迪云轨方案,一下子就被吸引了,云轨技术非常先进。”

Rui Costa还说道,云轨的另外一个好处就是在空中运行——完全契合萨尔瓦多打造“沿海高端旅游走廊”的发展规划:轨道交通在空中运行,不占用道路面积,且视野极佳,地面则可修建自行车道和海边休闲步道。









首先,长安CS15 1.5L自动舒适


三个区域为4135 * 1740 * 1630,轴向距离2520,配备最大功率1.5L发动机,并匹配5站双离合器齿轮箱。官方指导价格为67900元,目前有一个大幅下降。
其次,宝君510 1.5L CVT享受


主体三是4220 * 1740 * 1625mm,轴距为2550,配备1.5L发动机,最大功率为99 HP,自动停止型也从上一个AMT升级到CVT变速箱,实现质量Leap.at现在,官方指导价格为6.38万元。
第三,吉利视觉X3 1.5L CVT Elite


身体三个区域,4005 * 1760 * 1575,轴向距离2480,电源,新型号升级1.5L DVVT直缸发动机,符合国家六个排放标准,最大功率,109马力,自动齿轮模型升级到CVTSteblessgearbox,换档更加平稳。目前,官方指导价格为64,900
四,奇瑞Tiggo 3X 1.5L CVT城市版

在去年年底,Tiggo 3X实现了上市,但由于小型SUV不是制造商的利润乳制品,与旧比例没有太大变化。在外观方面,奇瑞Tiggo 3X的eyebin是一个智能水形的身体设计风格。单铬是非常简单的,银色保险杠和镀铬饰边是艰难而强大的;内部简单明了,使用碳纤维线并将控制台缩小,非常判断。

车身三次为4200/1760 / 1570mm,轴距为2555mm,1.5L发动机最大功率为116马力,符合CVT传输,官方指导价格为59,900。
在前面,小型SUV不是制造商的利润乳制品。许多制造商甚至都放弃了这件作品。正如Haval H1,比亚迪元,Junpai D60,Ruifeng S2已停产,今天的四种型号是勤奋的。它,CS15的外观和内饰应该导致其他三代;奇瑞的引擎远远超过其他3;宝君是最大的销售。你最喜欢哪一个?

BYD denies “resignation queue” rumors amid production cuts in Q1

By CHEN Xiaotong, ZHANG Mingrui, ZHOU Shuqi

China’s car market has been as weak as anyone can remember this year, and it’s not all about price wars. There was a noticeable inventory backlog that had to be cleared and the entire industry chain has reduced production to clear out factory parking lots.

The EV business is moving very fast, both in vehicle development and business models. According to reports, a large number of workers at BYD factories in Changsha have quit due to reduced hours and lower wages.

No work in the workshops

There is apparently a backlog, not of outdated SUVs, but of BYD production line workers waiting to ditch their jobs. Some of the departing employees have said, “This month’s quota for resignations is full.”

In response to inquiries by Jiemian News, BYD denied that there is a “resignation quota” or “resignation queue.” Indeed, recruitment is ongoing in Changsha.

One employee said that there has been little activity in the workshops this year, and they are able to leave work on time at 8 pm. Last year, she usually worked a couple of extra hours during busy times.

“There is no work in the workshops, and the factory wants workers to leave as soon as possible. And because of low wages and expensive canteens, many have already left,” she said.

Depending on their skill level, the monthly salary of workers at BYD’s Changsha factory can reach 8,000 yuan (US$1,185.85), but only through overtime. An ordinary operator earns a basic salary of 3,200 yuan without overtime pay. The average salary in Changsha in Q4 2022 was 9,951 yuan.

Wave of resignations

ZHOU Qin is in charge of recruiting for the Changsha BYD factory. She confirmed a “wave” of resignations since March this year. There has been a sharp drop in orders and she has stopped hiring workers.

Due to the canceled orders, workers lost their overtime and performance-related pay. Their monthly income collapsed to a third of the normal rate. As a result, some chose to leave, mostly relatively young.

Zhou emphasized that is no “resignation quota.” All that is required is a week’s notice.

The decrease in production is inseparable from market conditions.

Subsidies for new energy vehicles ended In Q1 so a lot of cars were bought at the end of last year. Coupled with the “vicious cycle” of the industry’s price war, consumers’ “wait-and-see” attitude resulted in significant pressure on the overall automotive market in the first quarter.

Whole-chain snarl up

BYD sales in the first quarter of this year were about 550,000, down by a fifth from the previous quarter. Only one-quarter of this year’s annual sales target of 3 million vehicles was achieved in one-third of the time.

Excess capacity has always existed, but mainly in fuel vehicle companies. However, this year it has also had an impact on EVs. Capacity has expanded significantly compared with last year, including the upstream battery industry chain. “Slow” (22 percent) growth at the beginning of this year has snarled up the entire industry chain. Last year, the year-on-year growth reached 90 percent.

ZHANGJunyi, the managing partner of Oliver Wyman, believes that if demand doesn’t pick up in the second half of the year, competition will become ever more brutal. Demand depends on consumer confidence, policy support and stable price expectations. Increased competition in the domestic market will prompt automakers to actively look overseas.

Back to normal

This month, BYD’s orders have returned to normal, and there is a shortage of workers. All operations in the two factories now require workers, and the recruitment bar has been lowered, allowing people without factory work experience to apply.

“BYD tells our department to speed up recruitment every day,” Zhou said.

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