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燃情霸气!Honda VT250C V-Twin Magna绝美图鉴

Honda VT250C V-Twin Magna: The Classic Cruiser That Captivated ChinaIn the realm of 250cc cruisers, Honda has made its mark in China with the Rebel (now the Rebel 300) and the now-d

iscontinued VT250C V-Twin Magna. Popular in China from the early 1990s until around 2015, the VT250C Magna, also known as the V25, garnered attention from riders with its long wheelba

se, low seat height, wide handlebars, and shiny chrome components. This article takes a closer look at the VT250C V-Twin Magna, tracing its evolution from the VT250F to its final upda

te in 2006. The predecessor of the VT250C V-Twin Magna was the second-generation VT250F (factory code MC15), which was introduced in 1986. It featured a redesigned water-cooled, fou

r-stroke V-type 90-degree twin-cylinder DOHC engine (factory code MC15E), with a bore and stroke of 60 mm x 44.1 mm and a displacement of 249cc. Boasting a square-shaped double-beam f

rame, drum brakes, and 17-inch front and 16-inch rear wheels, the VT250F set the stage for Honda's entry into the modern street bike market. The 1987 VTZ250, built on the same platfor

m, introduced a more contemporary look with a front disc brake and a wide-faced frame, along with 17-inch wheels both front and rear. In 1993, at the 30th Tokyo Motor Show, Honda un

veiled the V-Twin Magna as a concept bike. By June 1994, the company officially released the VT250C V-Twin Magna (factory code MC29). It retained the water-cooled, four-stroke V-type

90-degree twin-cylinder DOHC MC15E engine from the VT250F but with a reduced power output of 27 horsepower. According to Honda, the VT250C V-Twin Magna was designed to deliver smooth

and controllable power in low to mid-range speeds, while still providing a relaxed driving experience even at high speeds. The design of the VT250C V-Twin Magna exuded the tradition

al look of a cruiser, with smooth curves and a teardrop-shaped fuel tank. The wide handlebars offered a comfortable and spacious riding position, while the low 690mm seat height and s

addle-shaped seat added to the bike's appeal. The instrument panel, positioned on top of the fuel tank, was a feature usually found on flagship cruisers. With a wheelbase of 1620mm, t

he VT250C V-Twin Magna had a visual presence comparable to larger motorcycles (the 1988 CA250T Rebel had a wheelbase of 1460mm, and the current CM500 Rebel has a wheelbase of only 149

0mm). One of the standout features of the VT250C V-Twin Magna was its chrome-plated engine side covers, dual exhaust pipes, headlight cover, and instrument panel cover, which added

a touch of glamour to the bike. The sealed rear wheel frame, resembling a solid block of aluminum, further enhanced the bike's metallic appearance. Other notable features included the

sturdy front forks, 17-inch front and 15-inch rear wheels equipped with robust tires, and various styling upgrades throughout the years. From its initial release in 1994 to its fin

al update in November 2006, the VT250C V-Twin Magna remained largely unchanged throughout its entire product lifecycle. However, there were several updates and special editions along

the way. In May 1995, a new blue color option was introduced. In May 1996, the S version was released, featuring a front wheel frame design with minimal gaps, embossed markings on the

sides of the fuel tank (instead of decals), and other distinct features. In June 1997, a special edition with a pearl green color was introduced. In March 1999, the VT250C V-Twin Mag

na received further improvements, including a secondary air injection system to reduce emissions, a redesigned exhaust system to meet new local noise regulations, a new seat shape, an

d redesigned footpegs that moved the rider's feet 40mm forward for a more relaxed riding position. The cylinder assembly and frame were also painted black, replacing the previous silv

er-gray color. In December 2000 and January 2003, the VT250C V-Twin Magna received updates with new body colors, Honda logos added to the side covers, and a change to a silver-gray

frame. In November 2004, a modified version of the VT250C V-Twin Magna was released, featuring new graphics on the body, "Spirit of the Phoenix" decals on the sides of the fuel tank,

and enhanced anti-theft designs for the ignition and steering lock. The final update came in November 2006, after which the VT250C V-Twin Magna gradually faded away from the market.

The Honda VT250C V-Twin Magna had a remarkable run in China, capturing the hearts of riders with its classic cruiser styling and reliable performance. Despite its small displacement,

the VT250C V-Twin Magna offered a taste of the cruiser experience, making it a popular choice among riders looking for a stylish and practical option in the 250cc class. With its dis

tinctive design and solid build quality, the VT250C V-Twin Magna left a lasting impression on the Chinese motorcycle market. In conclusion, the Honda VT250C V-Twin Magna made a sign

ificant impact in the 250cc cruiser segment in China. Its classic design, reliable performance, and attention to detail attracted a loyal following of riders. Although it has been dis

continued for several years, the legacy of the VT250C V-Twin Magna lives on, reminding us of Honda's commitment to producing exceptional motorcycles. What are your thoughts on the VT2

50C V-Twin Magna Do you think Honda should consider reviving this iconic model or creating a successor to cater to the evolving demands of Chinese riders Share your opinions and insig

hts in the comments below.






一眼就看到了停在店堂里的MC19。在一大片造型炫酷的合资、国产新车中,这款已有30多年的老车仍是那么醒目。也顾不上和老耿多聊,直奔主题,推车出门,细细打量。这辆车产于1988年,是现在已经不存在的春兰车厂的“研发车”。当年,江苏泰州春兰厂瞄上了本田,买了本田原装的CB125T、CM125、Shadow 400、VTZ250、CBR250R等车进行研究,并成功仿制出了风靡国内摩市的“春兰虎”、“春兰豹”。在春兰厂倒闭之后,那些“研发车”堆积在库房中许多年,直到被老耿发现……


MC19是CBR250车系第二款后缀“R”(第一款是1987年推出的MC17)的车款,从1988 年5月面市到1989年更新配色,这款车不到两年就卖出了近5万辆(是CBR车系销量最高的一款),并在进入90年代之后大量流入中国二手车市场。笔者正是从那时起开始迷恋上此车的。当然,还有老耿,还有王青,还有无数热血少年……




因业务繁忙(除了摩托车生意还要经营大型冷库),老耿在最近才为这辆MC19配上电瓶并加上了此车诞生以来的第一箱汽油。“一触即发!”老耿说:“我连化油器都没洗,接上电就发动着了……”这辆放了31年的车,证明了本田到底有多牛。在我们手里,此车仍是一触即发。缸径和行程分别为48.5 mm 和33.8 mm的249mL水冷四冲程直列四汽缸发动机保持着绵密而均匀的呼吸节奏,精密的配气驱动机构让转速上升迅速且杂音极小,这台16气门的小排量四缸发动机有着诱人的歌喉,油门反复之间令人如醉如痴……

平心而论,对骑惯了低扭车和大排量车的车手来说,乍一摸CBR250R会很不适应,因为你从起步开始就要让发动机保持高转速,否则就会感受“冲顿”甚至熄火的尴尬。小排量四缸发动机特有的低扭薄弱劣势使其特别依赖转速,降低了整车的实用性和耐久性,这也是此类车型最终退出摩坛的主要原因。所以,尽管最后一代CBR250(MC22)采用了全新的 LCG铝合金双翼梁式车架、左右不对称式设计后摇臂,双盘前制动系统等高端配置还不断更新喷涂方案,仍难以遏制不断下滑的销量并在1994年后停产。此车系销量最大的当红车款只有两款——MC14和这款MC19。




车型历史图库:Honda VT250C V-Twin Magna

在 250 cc 级别的太子车/巡航车领域里,Honda 在国内可以看得到的主要车型是 Rebel(现在是 Rebel 300),以及停产已久、定价比 Rebel 的 VT250C V-Twin Magna(V2 马格纳)。

VT250C Magna 在上世纪九十年代初到 2015 年前后,曾在国内流行过一阵子,该车在国内也被称之为 V25(算是对应 Honda 在这一领域里的旗舰级太子车 V45)。有着大型车那样的长轴距,低座高、宽车把,满身闪闪发亮的电镀组件,位于油箱的仪表板,密封式设计的银灰色后车轮,都是这台 VT250C V-Twin Magna 受到国内骑士注视的特征。

VT250C V-Twin Magna 的前身,是 1986 年推出的第二代 VT250F(工厂编号 MC15),该车搭载一副经过重新设计、工厂编号为 MC15E 的水冷四冲程 V 型 90 度两气缸、DOHC 每气缸四气阀的发动机,缸径、行程为 60 mm x 44.1 mm,排气量 249 cc,最大动力输出 43 匹。车体采用一个四方型横截面的双翼樑式车架(该车当时在国内部分地方的两轮爱好者被称之为 “ 大方架 ”,意为大四方型截面的车架,而上一版本被称之为 “ 小方架 ”),鼓式的制动系统,前 17、后 16 英寸的轮框。

随后推出的、同平台的 1987 VTZ250 开始有了现代街车的模样:虽然仍是 MC15E 的发动机,但就配备了大型刹车碟的前制动系统,阔面式的车架,17 英寸直径的前后轮框。

1993 年举行的第三十届日本东京车展上,Honda 以概念车的形式、首次公开展示了 V-Twin Magna。到 1994 年的六月,厂方正式发布了这款 VT250C V-Twin Magna(工厂编号 MC29)。该车沿用了 VT250F 的水冷四冲程 V 型 90 度两气缸、DOHC 每气缸四气阀的 MC15E 发动机,最大动力输出被下调至 27 匹。厂方称,这副机器的设定,在日常使用机会较多的低、中转速区域,有着顺畅且容易控制的输出特性,即使是在诸如快速公路等、需要用到高转速的场合里,也能实现了悠闲的驾驶味道。

车体方面,以光滑的曲线和面、再加上水滴造型的油箱,构成了整体的、太子车的传统外观风格;宽阔的车把营造出一个舒适、宽敞的骑行姿态;只有 690 mm 乘坐高度、马鞍造型的座位;仪表板被放置在油箱上,这是当时旗舰级太子车/巡航车才会有的设计;1620 mm 的长轴距、创造出一个大型车的视觉(注:当时的 1988 CA250T Rebel 轴距为 1460 mm,现在的 CM500 Rebel 轴距只有 1490 mm)。

此外,发动机侧壳、两根排气管、大灯外罩、仪表板盖等,全部采用了镀铬处理,让全车到处都闪闪发亮、几乎可以当镜子用;密封式设计的后轮框是亮点之一,再加上如同整块铝合金加工出来那样的、厚厚的上下三星(前叉三角台),进一步丰富 VT250C V-Twin Magna 的金属感;其他方面,还有粗壮的前叉,前 17、后 15 英寸直径的车轮配上了粗壮的轮胎等。

从 1994 年首次推出、到 2006 年十一月发布最后一次更新,VT250C V-Twin Magna 的整个产品寿命周期里、都没有进行过换代。该车的更新轨迹粗略如下:

1、1994 年六月首次正式发布上市;

2、1995 年五月,追加新的蓝色发售;

3、1996 年五月,推出的 S 版。换装了接近于密封状态、仅留下几条缝隙的前轮框,油箱两侧的标记采用了凸字的设计(普通版采用贴纸),是 S 版的重要特征;

4、1997 年六月,推出了采用珍珠绿色的特别版;

5、1999 年三月,推出了车体细节经过改进的 VT250C V-Twin Magna。修改的部分包括增加了二次燃烧的空气导入装置、以降低排放污染物;内部经过新设计的排气系统符合当地新的噪音值限制;新形状的鞍座;新设计的脚踏,驾驶员的脚踏位置、向前移了 40 mm,从而形成了一个更宽松的骑行姿态;油箱两侧的标志采用了一个潦草的、更大胆的风格,发动机的气缸组、车架被涂成了黑色(之前是银灰色);

6、千禧年的十二月、2003 年一月先后发布了更新,主要的变化是采用了新的车体颜色,车体中部两边的侧盖加上了 Honda 的标记,把车架又换了银灰色;

7、2004 年十一月,推出了车身细节经过修改的 VT250C V-Twin Magna。除了有新的车身图案之外,油箱的两侧增加了名为 Spirit of the Phoenix “ 凤凰的灵魂 ” 的贴纸,电门锁和车头锁也增加了防盗的设计;

8、2006 年十一月,厂方发布了 VT250C V-Twin Magna 的最后一次更新。随后,该车渐渐走向全面停产。


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